By reading this, by having embarked on the search for a therapist (even if tentatively), you have already taken the first step toward changing your life for the better.
It’s true, life can be complicated sometimes. You may be feeling stressed, unfulfilled, confused, or may find it hard to achieve deeper and more meaningful connections with others, even – or especially – with the people closest to you. Most concerning of all may be a nagging feeling that you yourself are unwittingly doing something to sabotage your happiness – that you are unable to break out of some repetitive, counterproductive pattern of behaving or relating that undermines your own well-being.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Things don’t have to stay static, and the past does not always have to set the pattern for the future. Therapy can bring change and a more meaningful and fulfilling life by helping you discover what you really want and how to become more effective in pursuing your goals. You can learn to be kinder to yourself, and to relate more authentically and enjoyably to others.
Hi there! My name is Karina Garcia. I am a Marriage and Family therapist associate; I received my masters from the University of Houston – Clear Lake. I’ve had the pleasure of working with diverse populations since 2015. My passion is working with teens and families to create a safe and supportive environment for healing and growth. I understand that seeking therapy takes courage, and my goal is to provide a non-judgemental and empowering space for individuals to reach their full potential.
Life changes are difficult when having to go through them alone. Self-acceptance, emotional intelligence, forgiveness, healing, and/or growth are all within your reach. I’m here to offer all the support and guidance along the way.
In a session with me, we will respectfully and carefully work through the struggles you are facing. Only you can decide when to begin this journey that can lead you to the life you want. If you are ready, give me a call.
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Karina García. Soy una terapeuta licenciada en matrimonio y familia. Recibí mi maestría de la Universidad de Houston – Clear Lake. He tenido el placer de trabajar con diversas poblaciones desde 2015 y ahora me apasiona trabajar con adolescentes, parejas y familias.
Los cambios de la vida son difíciles cuando se siente solo(a) y no sabe por dónde empezar. La autoaceptación, la inteligencia emocional, el perdón, la salud mental y el crecimiento están a su alcance. Estoy aquí para ofrecer todo el apoyo y orientación a lo largo del camino.
En una sesión conmigo, trabajaremos con respeto y cuidado en las luchas que enfrenta. Solo usted puede decidir cuándo empezar este viaje que le puede llevar a la vida que desea. Si está listo(a), llámame.